Norovirus When Can You Eat Again

Norovirus Remedies

Colloidal Argent

one User Review

Posted by James (Charleston,sc) on 09/15/2014

Colloidal silver will impale nearly all virus. Has whatever ane tried that for a cure? Information technology works on the norovirus.

Replied past Victoria

Colloidal Argent

Posted by LeAnn (Murfreesboro, Tennessee) on 10/01/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Colloidal Silver for Stomach Virus: I take used it topically to treat pare infections, ear infections, and conjunctivitis. Only it is very effective at treating stomach viruses also. At the commencement sign of upset, I can drinkable about an ounce and be "cured." If I don't catch information technology early, I sometimes I volition still feel ill 3 hours later and demand to repeat the dose, just so all is better. :)


ane User Review

Posted past Marsh (Colorado) on 01/11/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Caught a bad stomach bug (or food poisoning) while in Mexico. The locals said a flu bug was going around. I always deport ACV, Lugol's iodine, charcoal, oil of oregano, probiotics, and a host of other goodies but in case. Regurgitation (viii times was so violent), I thought I'd be carted off to the ER. The adjacent day my entire body was terribly sore, fifty-fifty my eyes, teeth and fingernails injure. I rubbed DMSO cream everywhere that injure (no - didn't put in eyes! ) and information technology took abroad the soreness. Eyes nonetheless tender. Just recollect to have OofO in the AM, and at nighttime repopulate the good gut flora with probiotics.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

2 User Reviews

Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 01/11/2022
3 out of 5 stars

Every time I visit Mexico, I e'er bring liquid GSE. This fourth dimension, I brought the pills. Even though I took a pill each day, it didn't stop either the tummy flu or food poisoning. Twenty-four hour period 3, kaboom. Side by side time, back to the liquid form. I do think ACV, oil of oregano piece of work better than the GSE for me. Don't forget to take probiotics if you take OofO to repopulate the practiced leaner in your gut. This is vital.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Posted by Wendy (London, England) on 02/17/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I would suggest using Grapefruit seed extract for Norovirus. Very, very strong and so never employ undiluted. If you feel nausea coming on take asap by taking a drinking glass of water to which you lot add 12 drops of the Grapefruit Seed Excerpt. Information technology works chop-chop.

Mama's Stomach Bug Remedies

1 User Review

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/24/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I accept been trying to get my thoughts and experiences on treating the tummy bug on newspaper for months. I accept had an unusual amount of opportunity to endeavour different things in the last year. Beneath are some things I take learned..

This past wintertime we had a fleck of the stomach bug making the rounds at our house. I tried some new things this time effectually and accept been pleased with their effectiveness. I have used activated charcoal for stomach issues for years and been happy with the success of it. But I was out of tablets when the bug hit and many lilliputian ones balk at drinking charcoal water because of the grit. In the last yr, I read on Globe Clinic that plain water is not good for the stomach bug, that it will crusade vomiting. I believe that I concur with that! Often my children ask for water afterwards airsickness and I requite it to them, only to have it come correct back upwards! I was surprised to meet on Earth Clinic that black tea is a aid. We have tried that recently and institute it to be quite true. I donâ€TMt remember I accept seen any black tea come up since I started it! I sweeten it a little with dearest, having seen honey as helpful to vomiting. (Just not for children nether a year of historic period.)

Some other matter I have been using in the last year for nausea and vomiting is a mix of essential oils. I use equal parts of peppermint, ginger, and lemongrass. A month ago my girl was sick and very nauseated. I rubbed a couple of drops of the mix onto the bottom of her feet and repeated that in 30 minutes. It helped her immensely! I love this treatment as oftentimes, with nausea and vomiting, a child does not want to take annihilation by mouth. When someone is airsickness or nauseous, I use this every 30 minutes â€" ii hours. Information technology is also helpful with fever. I have seen this mix reduce the fever of influenza. (Again, applied to the bottoms of the feet, very often.) Information technology is worth it to keep this mix on hand. Last year nosotros had a severe tummy bug go through our firm and I used these oils on the bottoms of everyoneâ€TMs anxiety for days. In the mercy of God, I didnâ€TMt get it. (I think I was the only i of 11 that didnâ€TMt.) I wonder if the oils helped to proceed me well from it since I had them on my hand constantly as I was applying them to sick people.

Having read most the wonderful effects of turmeric on digestive issues hither at EC, I take hesitantly tried it on my family. Now, I think turmeric is astonishing, but for me, the thought of turmeric if my stomach isnâ€TMt feeling well is kind of, well, not groovy. However, it has stopped diarrhea in its tracks and ended nausea in my children, teens and husband on plenty occasions that I am at present a fan of using turmeric for tum issues.

Peppermint tea is peachy for nausea and vomiting, if you similar peppermint, that is. One time when I had flu and a fever, the only affair that was soothing to me was water ice cold water with a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil in it. Peppermint is cooling and good for fever, also.

Some children, and adults, enjoy a absurd washcloth on the forehead. I did this recently for my adult son when he was ill. I had a petty basin of ice water and a few drops of peppermint essential oil in it. I would dip in a cloth and wring it out and then put it on his forehead, changing it when information technology warmed upwardly. He seemed to find that comforting. I think I would. When I put on my nurse hat at home I love to exist able to observe special things to bring a little comfort to the ill ones.

Recent another tummy bug came through and I learned another super remedy from the folks at Earth Clinic! Apple Cider Vinegar, of form! My husband had terrible stomach pain and diarrhea. After virtually 36 hours he was dehydrated and had lost 10 pounds. He was putting essential oils on his stomach where the pain was, which helped temporarily. Charcoal was not stopping the diarrhea. Perhaps he should have taken more. Anyhow, I gave him 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in 2 cups of grape juice. He repeated half the dose a couple of hours after. He had just ane more trip to the bath. It was pretty amazing. Then I started to feel very, very sick. I put ane.5 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar into a loving cup and a half of grape juice and sipped on it as I was able. I never did have any vomiting or diarrhea, only felt awful. Simply my recovery was easier than my husbandâ€TMs since I didnâ€TMt have to become rehydrated. I too put a drop of the essential oil blend “Digestive Support” made by Heritage Essential Oils into my mouth every time I felt that I might vomit. It did seem to work. The next day my 5 twelvemonth sometime threw up at 6am. I had him sipping on vinegar juice (1 teaspoon per loving cup of juice for a little guy.) He didnâ€TMt even drinkable information technology all. I also put oils on his anxiety. He was eating lunch at noon. (Only some rice. He insisted he was hungry and kept it downwardly and was outside playing in the afternoon.) I gave everyone else in the house some vinegar in juice in the morning, simply in example!

Some applied helps when airsickness begins in my house are the post-obit:

I immediate braid girlsâ€TM and my ain pilus. If anyone is vomiting, it is easier to keep braids than loose hair out of the bucket or toilet, and cleaning vomit out of hair isnâ€TMt fun. I speak from feel with petty girls here!

I round upwardly buckets or containers and keep them strategically most beds in instance someone new starts to throw up.

I remind children of “what is best to throw up on if they canâ€TMt make it to the toilet and they donâ€TMt have a saucepan.”

Here is the best to worst list: Toilet (all-time), saucepan (second best), vinyl/hardwood/laminate floor (good), clothes (not terrible), bed (manageable) , carpeting (worst! ) This winter I learned that cleaning upward vomit from tongue and groove hardwood floor with large gaps between the boards is not piece of cake. Guess how I know? I demand to insert that into my listing somewhere. I retrieve information technology goes between bed and carpet.

When I accept babies or toddlers sleeping in my bed or room, I lay towels downwards under them and go along old towels nearby if I suspect a tum bug is in the works.

Sorry if this is TMI (too much data). Please go have some turmeric if information technology is. :)

Accept a great 24-hour interval!

~Mama to Many~

Rosemary Tea

1 User Review

Posted by Volition T. (Idaho) on 06/01/2019
5 out of 5 stars


Rosemary tea is the best answer I have found, and it is fantabulous.

You lot can see the full, original word at the link below [1].

In my instance nosotros had 10 people in a house and one person got novovirus. Past the time they were vomiting, I assumed we all had it.

The reason yous vomit is because the virus creates serotonin as a toxin (yeah, the body produces and uses information technology, only not in the gut, and at those levels). The tum reacts to the increased serotonin levels by getting everything out at all costs. Vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Forceful and repeated.

I am non sure what the Rosemary tea does, just in one case four of our entourage were in full swing, I constitute the anecdotal data and dug through a rather huge stash of dried herbs that we take (I used to sell dried herbs... another story). Sure enough, I had some Erstwhile dried Rosemary, and we simply added it to boiling h2o, about a tablespoon to a pint.

We all (even the vomiting people) drank that tea like a religion for the adjacent 24 hours. It seemed to piece of work well. Those that had not yet started vomiting never did. They just needed some extra sleep. As an aside, nosotros were as well taking diatomaceous globe, Liposomal C, and water with Hydrogen Peroxide (20 drops to a pint), just the Rosemary tea seemed to be more than effective every bit reducing symptoms that all the others combined.


Vitamin B-vi

1 User Review

Posted by Catherine (Hickory, Nc) on 02/03/2010
5 out of 5 stars


Apple tree cider vinegar DOES help if sipped on regularly during the illness, however with nausea always begin treating at the beginning, for the best results. What I read years ago that works all-time of all the remedies I accept Always known about, Is vitamin B6 (200mg of B6). I've been using it AT THE ONSET of nausea For years. Again, it is important to treat the problem immediately. Don't await, thinking that information technology will get better, information technology usually doesn't. After taking the B6, sip on the vinegar water, which also has a diuretic effect and helps proceed your system flushed. You may, after a couple of hours, have to take another B6 (I go on some B6 tablets in my handbag all the time). This treatment has gotten my family and me through many of these illness.


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