Do You Like the Way I Touch You Funny

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How do you break the touch barrier with a girl you like? It's difficult to know when to reach out, and when you're going too far. If you've found a girl you like and the attraction is mutual, you have to start by breaking the touch barrier, and then you can find sneaky ways to make physical contact more often. So how do you touch a girl without sending the wrong message? Read on to find out.

  1. 1

    Make sure the girl welcomes your touches. Before you start planning a way to touch the girl, you must make sure your advances are welcome. If the girl likes you, then she'll stand closer to you, and will generally show that she enjoys your company. Keep in mind, if you make an advance they don't like, they may retreat, but still like you.[1] Is she making eye contact? Is she smiling, laughing and having a good time? If so, you're on the right track. Here are a few other ways to see if she wants you to touch her:

    • If she likes you, she might hold your gaze for a long time or pull away immediately, but this is not clear cut. Either of these signs could mean that she likes you, but sometimes, you could be wrong. So, before you make any spontaneous decisions, make sure to make it clear that the feeling is mutual. If you happen to glance at the girl and you see her staring back at you, then this means that she likes you, although she may quickly dart her head in a different direction. If she pulls away quickly, it could mean she is nervous but still likes you.

    Tip: Assess her personality. Ask her if she would like to be touched with a phrase like "Can we hold hands?", or move slowly but clearly.

  2. 2

    Give her a light and casual touch. Brush your arm up against hers, place your hand on the small of her back, or just pass her a pen or a notebook and let your hands linger near each other's.[2] Does she jump back, like she's just placed her hand on a hot burner, or does she let your bodies linger together for a second and give you a smile? If she returns your affection, then she is welcoming your plan to break the touch barrier.

    • Keep the first touch casual and friendly to see how she responds. There's no need for a romantic gesture yet.
  3. 3

    Linger a little longer. If the casual approach worked, then try touching her for a little bit longer next time. Place your hand on the small of her back for a few seconds, not just to lead her through a door. Keep your hand over hers for an extra second or two when you hand her a stick of gum. If your knees or legs brush under the table, let them rest there for a little while longer before moving away.

    • This will warm the girl up to more intimate and longer lasting touches, and it will give you a better sense of how much she likes the contact.
  1. 1

    Look for opportunities to break the touch barrier in a respectful way when you are together. This will give you an excuse to touch her under the guise of just being a good person and looking out for her. Make sure she's the kind of girl who is okay with all this stuff and doesn't find you too old-fashioned, though. Be her knight in shining armor. Once you're on a date, or hanging out in a date-like setting where you're alone and liking each other, you should look for chances so you can touch her.

  2. 2

    Hold her jacket out. If you're both about to leave and she needs to put on a jacket or coat, hold it out for her so that she can slip her arms into the sleeves. The knuckles of your fingers will probably gently brush up against her as you're doing this. If she responds positively and you notice that her hair is between her jacket and her back, carefully pull it out for her.

    • You can also help her take her jacket off at the beginning of the night, whether you've invited her over your place or have stepped out to a restaurant.
  3. 3

    Offer your hand. This is especially helpful when she might need to keep her balance, such as when she's getting into or out of a car, or when she's stepping over a puddle or any other uneven surface. Girls love this because it shows that you are thinking of her and not just yourself. This is more likely to be appropriate if she's dressed nicely or wearing heels.

    • Again, make sure she's not the kind of girl who thinks it's demeaning of you to suggest that she needs to hold your hand to get stuff done.
  4. 4

    Link arms. This will serve as an invitation for her to hook her arm around yours, especially if you're about to walk together. This is a classically romantic way to walk as a couple without being too touchy-feely. You should do this after you've already had a nice date and had a nice time with each other. After dinner or the movie or whatever you did on the date, stepping out for a stroll is a great way to show your affection for each other.

    • If it's your first time trying this maneuver or making this kind of physical contact, then don't step out onto a crowded street where you're both likely to run in to people you know. Find a more intimate setting.
  5. 5

    Do the "ladies first" trick. Open the door for her and allow her to go first through doors, corridors or small crowds. A nice, firm gesture would be to press with your hand just above her waist (you can set your hand anywhere on her back to guide her through the door, if you two are really comfortable around each other, you might be able to place it lower than the hip). Walk towards the door (or corridor), while saying "after you." Other spots to press would be the back of the arm, just above the elbow (especially recommended if she is wearing short sleeves), or very softly and cautiously on the shoulder.

    • Though it's nice to let the girl go first, don't make a big production of touching her every time you do this, or she'll start to think you're only being a good person so you can touch her, which shouldn't be the case.
  6. 6

    Lead the way. If you're about to go through a large crowd, hold out your hand so you can walk through the crowd without losing each other. This not only shows that you care about her, but it also shows that you can take the lead. Once you're out of the crowd, you can continue holding her hand if she seems interested.

    • Holding hands is a big step for a lot of girls. If she's not into that right away, don't be too discouraged. She might be waiting to be your girlfriend before you really hold hands, especially in public.
  1. 1

    Brush something off of her face or hair. It's not uncommon to see a loose eyelash on someone's face. If you see one, tell her, "Hold still. You have hair on your face. Let me get it off." Pull it off her face very gently. Don't apply too much pressure, especially if she's wearing make-up. Do the same thing if you see something in her hair like a piece of lint or a ball of dust.

    • Obviously, don't stare at her face all night until you finally see an eyelash there. But if you do see one, great.
    • You can also lie. Say that she has something in her hair, even if she doesn't actually have anything there, and break the touch barrier this way.
    • Don't brush any food off her face. Saying "Wait, you have a little chunk of bacon on your chin" is just not hot.
  2. 2

    Compliment her jewelry or nail polish. [3] Does she have a different ring, a new haircut or a different nail color? Acknowledge it verbally ("That's a pretty ring" or "Did you get a new nail color?"). Hold out your hand, palm up, and ask if you can look closer. Inspect whatever is different, and ask a question or make a positive comment. If she has a nice earring, hold it up in your hand and say how pretty it is. But you should only try this move if you've already touched her -- reaching for the face is pretty intimate.

    • While you're doing all of this, get a feel for how she responds to having her hand in yours. After she has responded to your comment or question, briefly rub her hand with your thumb gently and let it go. Smile and quickly move on, but be careful not to appear creepy.
  3. 3

    Keep her warm. If it's chilly outside and you notice that she's cold or shivering, offer her your coat. Put it around her. Depending on how comfortable she feels around you, you might take your hands and brush them briskly on her upper arms to generate a little heat. If you notice that her hands are cold, tell her to give you her hands and put them together (palm to palm). Put your hands around hers and rub them softly, but quickly to warm her hands up.

    • If you're feeling daring, bring her hands up to your mouth and blow a little warm air on them. However, make sure your breath doesn't stink.
  4. 4

    Be playful. If you're teasing each other, it's okay to give each other gentle shoves, pats on the arm, or playful touches on the shoulder. If you're flirting with each other, then it's natural for you to touch each other, as long as you're both doing the touching. She may even end up touching you more than you touch her. If you're both in a fun-loving and flirtatious mood, then it's okay to touch her this way.

    • Being playful is perfect if you're both doing it. But if you notice that you're the one touching her and she doesn't reciprocate, back off.
  5. 5

    Make a bolder move. If she responded positively to all of the above, make your next move (or risk forever being trapped in the friend zone. Ouch.). That could be putting your arm around her shoulder or waist, or holding her hand. The back of the neck and the small of the back are two sensitive areas too.

  6. 6

    Notice when she's not interested. If she isn't responding positively to these actions, simply back away. It doesn't necessarily mean she's not interested. She could just be in a bad mood or feeling tired.[4] However, if you've tried this more than once and get the same response, she likely isn't interested in being touched by you.

  1. 1

    Dance. Any kind of partner dancing, such as salsa, tango or swing can be a good way to break the touch barrier. Keep in mind, however, that just because she seems to be having a good time dancing with you doesn't necessarily mean she likes you off the dance floor. It's certainly a start though.

  2. 2

    Go ice skating. Ice skating is a great activity for casual physical contact. You can hold her hand to help keep her from falling if she isn't quite getting the hang of it, or to help each other skate backwards. In the cold environment, you may also have the opportunity to help her keep warm with a hug or encircling her with your jacket.

  3. 3

    Play tennis. Have her as your doubles partner. There will be plenty of opportunities to high-five and playfully touch her after a good shot. At the end, you can also touch her back or shoulders and say it was a great game. Just remember that she'll be conscious of sweating a little bit and may not want to be touched so much during or after the game.

  4. 4

    Try any activity where the equipment requires you to hold her from behind. For example, riding tandem on a motorcycle, sitting on an inner tube or sled going down a snow hill, parachute jumping in tandem, etc. Go mini-golfing together if you know how to hold a golf club. There are plenty of sporting opportunities for this closeness to be imposed on both of you!

  1. 1

    Don't give an unwanted massage. Don't approach a girl and give her a shoulder massage for no reason. If she tells you she's sore, rubs her own shoulders, or even asks for a massage, then that's one thing. But if you just come up to her in the middle of the day or try to give her a massage the second you're alone together, that will quickly send the wrong message.

    • If she tenses up instead of relaxing as soon as you give her a massage, then you've already gone too far.
  2. 2

    Don't grab her. Avoid grabbing any part of her arm with your hand and pulling her to come somewhere with you. At best, this can be interpreted as annoying. At worst, it can come off as an aggressive attempt to yank her around.[5] Generally, any kind of pulling or tugging might be interpreted as immature or pushy.

    • There's a difference between playfully pulling each other in the direction you want to go and actually grabbing the girl in a way that feels violent and inappropriate.

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  • Question

    What shouldn't I do when I touch a girl?

    Laura Bilotta

    Laura Bilotta is a Dating Coach, Matchmaker and the Founder of Single in the City, her dating and relationship coaching service based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. With over 18 years of date coaching experience, Laura specializes in dating etiquette, relationships, and human behavior. She is the host of the Dating and Relationship Radio Talk Show on AM640 and on Apple Podcasts. She is also the author of "Single in the City: From Hookups & Heartbreaks To Love & Lifemates, Tales & Tips To Attract Your Perfect Match."

    Laura Bilotta

    Dating Coach & Matchmaker

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    How do I know if a girl wants me to touch her?

    Laura Bilotta

    Laura Bilotta is a Dating Coach, Matchmaker and the Founder of Single in the City, her dating and relationship coaching service based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. With over 18 years of date coaching experience, Laura specializes in dating etiquette, relationships, and human behavior. She is the host of the Dating and Relationship Radio Talk Show on AM640 and on Apple Podcasts. She is also the author of "Single in the City: From Hookups & Heartbreaks To Love & Lifemates, Tales & Tips To Attract Your Perfect Match."

    Laura Bilotta

    Dating Coach & Matchmaker

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    What's the best way to touch your girlfriend romantically?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    That depends a lot on what's comfortable for both of you. She might enjoy gentle caresses on her face and neck, or she might enjoy back rubs or having your arms around her waist. Experiment with different touches and ask what she likes or dislikes.

  • Question

    How can you tell if she likes you?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    If a girl likes you, she'll probably smile and make eye contact when you look her way. She might look for excuses to be around you and to "accidentally" make physical contact. It's also a good sign if she teases you in a good-natured way and jokes around with you a lot. If you're not sure how she's feeling about you, try asking her directly or asking her friends.

  • Question

    What does it mean if a girl lets you touch her leg?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    If she doesn't shy away from you touching her leg or if she seems to welcome it, that's probably a sign that she's attracted to you (or at least very comfortable with you). However, don't leave it up to guesswork. Some girls can be shy about enforcing their boundaries, so ask her if it's okay for you to touch her there.

  • Question

    A girl who I think has liked me for a few years often finds excuses to touch me. For instance, I got a notification, and she walked up and leaned on me with her head on my shoulder, then asked about it.

    Community Answer

    It sounds like she likes you, unless you see her constantly doing things like this with absolutely everyone. If you like her, you should just tell her. If you're too shy, or you're still unsure how she feels, start touching her back (respectfully) and see if she escalates the flirting. Just do something small, like touching her arm or hand when she's talking to you.

  • Question

    What does grabbing around her waist mean?

    Community Answer

    It depends on the person and the situation. It might just be a playful, friendly touch, or it might be something more intimate.

  • Question

    I tried my best but she rejected every advancement. What if i just force it?

    Community Answer

    Do not do that. If she isn't interested, move on. Don't make any more advances. And, by all means, don't force it. At best, you will make things awkward, and at worst, the consequences could be dire for you.

  • Question

    We often link arms when walking together, what does that mean?

    Community Answer

    She probably likes you. This is a great way to break the touch barrier. If you want to try to take it to the next level, try holding her hand and see how she reacts.

  • Question

    My boyfriend is very outgoing with me. He has quit his guy group to be with me and hugs me a lot, but he makes no effort to hold my hand. I would like him to. What should I do?



    Community Answer

    If he is very outgoing, you could quietly ask him to hold your hand. If he is casual about hugging you, then the touch barrier has already been broken, so it shouldn't be hard for him to hold your hand.

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  • Don't be afraid to ask her why / what she means. It can be confusing, especially when you don't know what they mean. You might have completely the wrong idea, and verbal communication is really helpful to clarify what you want, and what they want.

  • Always try to have clean, dry hands. If she gets a whiff of the onions you were cutting a few hours earlier, that's not good. If you tend to get clammy hands, carry a dry paper towel in your pocket and use it right before you touch her. Avoid having cold hands, because this will startle her. If this has happened, address the situation with a joke, because this can help break the ice.

  • Cracking a joke that's just inappropriate enough to make her slap you on the arm, but appropriate enough to make her laugh at the same time will trick her into touching you. However, these kinds of remarks are high-risk and can get you in hot water among people who are sensitive. Try this at your own risk.

  • Look at a girl's body language. It says a lot about her. When you are talking, look at her feet. If they point towards you, she's interested in the conversation, at least. If she plays with her fingers or hair around you, she's nervous. Sometimes, the best bet is even to ask a good friend of hers if she likes you first. Usually a girl tells her friends everything about this stuff.

  • Make sure she wants to be touched. Don't touch her if you feel like she doesn't want you to, or if she specifically says not to.

  • If you know how to ice skate, bring the girl to go ice skating. If she doesn't know how to, then say "I'll teach you there." When you do teach her, hold her hands gently and make sure to make eye contact.

  • Always remember, if she's not interested in being touched by you, it doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't like you. Take a small step back and be careful not to make any big moves, but keep your hopes up.

  • Personal space is also important. She may be uncomfortable with you touching her just because you may not be close, so don't ever just walk up to a stranger and tap their back when they are being casual.

  • Even the most suave "touch moves" won't work if she's bored or uninterested. Keep the conversation lively and make sure you're both having fun.

  • When you meet a girl for the first time, try shaking her hand. It will get you both used to contact with each other.

  • Make sure it looks natural. Don't come up, talk to her for five seconds, then attempt to touch her. Make sure it seems there is a reason, otherwise it may become awkward or creepy.

  • If you're not sure she's ready to be touched, or if you're not certain what ready is, try to see how her other friends act around her and how she responds with them. Hanging out with her friends (with her along of course) will help you get a better picture of what it should look like when she's "ready" and/or grown used to you. If she starts acting the same way she acts with her friends around you, then that's a big hint that she's probably ready (or that you've been friend zoned). Do this at your own risk.

  • If you are not dating you could touch her on the arm or hand when she says something funny. If she responds well, you may be able to touch her on the leg or possibly hold her hand after a while.

  • Be gentle and considerate whenever you go to touch her. The most subtle thing is asking for a hug goodbye or brushing your hand near hers. If she doesn't like it you'll probably be able to tell.

  • Pretend that you are removing fur or hair on her jersey.

  • Some people don't like being touched, especially when you are on a first date. Take it slow or your relationship might end before it starts.

  • If you are her best friend, give her a hand with her school papers, or walk her to her locker.

  • Always respect a girls body and boundaries. Although to you it might seem like a sweet gesture, if she doesn't like it you should respect that. Also, it might seem awkward, but ask her!

  • If you are friends with her and you see her in heels, give her an arm of yours to lean on.

  • Don't go anywhere near her private areas, because this will creep her out.

  • Some women are uncomfortable with being touched until you enter into a relationship. If you are at all interested in seeing her again, take it easy and move slow or you will scare her off.

  • Don't overdo it! Some girls will find over-the-top chivalry annoying and perhaps even rude!

  • Different cultures have different degrees of receptiveness to physical contact. In Korea, holding hands and hugging are usually for people in relationships, and kissing her in public is likely to make the girl feel uncomfortable, as well as others. However, doing the same thing in Latin America is taken for granted. In Bulgaria, giving a girl a goodbye hug is just as normal as shaking hands in other places. Know the cultural context and respond accordingly.

  • If she "brushes" off the area you just touched, that may be a sign that she thinks you are dirty or are being too rough. For example, if you playfully touch her arm, then right afterwards she scratches, rubs or otherwise "wipes off" that area, watch out. She either thinks you are dirty or she isn't interested. Maybe try it again later if you think it is just a coincidence, but if this girl does it repeatedly, back off for a little while.

  • Note that some people are very affectionate with their friends. A girl might be all about cuddling with you and think she's just being friendly, while you feel like you're getting mixed signals.

  • While you might think you're playing it safe and being respectful by not touching her unless she touches you first, you might end up in the friend zone, which is hard to escape. For many people, a big distinction between "friendship" and "relationship" is the way they touch each other. There are more platonic ways to touch someone. Learn to read body language and if you see a signal in her body language or expression telling you to back off, then respect her boundaries and her feelings by refraining from making further contact.

  • Shortly after initiating some form of physical contact, if she says that she has to go soon or needs to use the bathroom, then she may not have appreciated the gesture or found it uncomfortable. In some cases, she might be shy after having physical contact with you, so you have to be really sure before continuing into more intense physical contact.

  • Try not to be too intense or persistent if she's giving dismissive vibes.

  • Do not touch her affectionately if you are in her friend zone. For example, holding her hand is fine, while touching her face is more intimate and should be reserved for a girl you are in a relationship with.

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Article Summary X

To touch a girl, start by making sure that she's comfortable with you. Look for an opportunity to touch her arm or hand for just a moment, and pay attention to her reaction to make sure the touch is welcome. You can progress your relationship by letting your touches linger a little longer, brushing your leg against hers under a table, or placing your hand on the small of her back as you walk through a door. If she seems uncomfortable at any point, stop touching her immediately and respect her boundaries. To learn more, such as what not to do when you're trying to touch a girl, keep reading the article!

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