My Work Continues to Reflect My Commitment to Excel Here

Saying 'thank you' to employees is a pleasant way of showing that you acknowledge them and happy to have them on your team. A formal appreciation letter or an email to your employees expresses your gratitude for their contribution to your business.

It is a type of office etiquette that should be embraced by the managers and heads of an organization. It helps motivate employees as well as fosters a strong team relationship and a healthy company culture. It is also vital in developing and sustaining effective employee engagement and recognition. Furthermore, it is one of the most unique employee appreciation idea that one can think of.

In some companies, it is a daily norm to make the employees feel appreciated with some kind words. In contrast, others choose to go for specific occasions in doing so. Here it is important to remember- it is not a rule that only a senior employee can write an appreciation letter. It can also come from fellow workers.

Here Are 15 Samples of Appreciation Letters to Employees That You Can Refer To:

Before we begin our sample messages, watch this video to learn about the proper format for an employee appreciation letter.

1. Appreciate their hard work and dedication

This looks simple, but if you skip thanking your best employees regularly, you might lose them to someone who does.

Dear < Employee Name >

On behalf of the entire team of < company name >, I would like to express our sincere admiration for your's outstanding efforts in the workplace. We appreciate everything that you have done over the past several years since you have joined us. The endless hours you have spent working here, and the professionalism you have shown has motivated the entire management team immensely.

We pride ourselves on your hard work and dedication to making every critical project a great success. As always, we are counting on you to go the extra mile.

Thank you once again for all your contributions.

Best regards,
< Senior's name>

2. Praise them for a job done well

Saying "You did a good job" is fine, but detailed praise motivates the person.It feels sincere when a particular action is emphasized as an outstanding job.

Dear < Employee Name >

I want to take the time to thank you for the fantastic job you have been doing for our company lately. We achieved the goals without a second of downtime, which sets an example for handling a project for maximum benefits.

You did an excellent job by training your team members on the new technology, which made huge differences. I am confident that they feel rewarded and recognized under your guidance.

As a token of gratitude, in addition to a salary increase from the next evaluation, we have decided to provide you an extra week of holiday to be taken at your convenience. You are indeed an inspiration to us and definitely play an essential role in the company. Keep it up, and thank you once again!

With deep appreciation for your efforts,
<Senior's name>
Cc: HR department

3. Cheer them up for their leadership.

The power of recognition in leadership is energizing. While leaders inspire the whole team members to deliver superior results, it is also important to appraise their leadership qualities to make them feel valued.

Dear < Employee name >

I honor the effort you have put in leading your team's current project. A number of our employees had expressed to me their appreciation for the one-on-one guidance and support you've provided them, especially when the deadline was approaching.

All the team members have uttermost confidence in your leadership skills, and I am so happy to see you yield so much success. I will make sure that your excellent work is paid off in tangible results as well.
Once again, thank you for all your hard work and dedication in building and growing this business.

<Senior's name>

4. Let them know their help matters.

Every effort matters. It is important to understand that a simple email can encourage your employees to be a significant part of the company's future endeavors.

Dear < Employee Name >

I want to thank you so much for your help in organizing the last meeting with our customers. You made everyone feel relaxed and we have already received positive remarks from the customers about how dedicated you are.

You have no idea how great a positive impression you have left with them about our services. I'm so happy to see your hard work resulting in such success!

You have always been up in helping this company run smoothly and influencing the rest of the team to achieve the company's planned goals. Your passion for the job is what makes you an incredible person to work with.

Keep up the excellent work.

Yours sincerely,
<Senior's name>

5. Appreciate for being a super active salesperson

In any organization, the sales department plays a pivotal role in the success of the business. Take a few seconds to express your appreciation for your sales teams' labor.

Dear < Employee Name >

I am writing to you to let you know that we are exceedingly satisfied with the sales progress report submitted by you.

We recognize your excellent performance and professionalism. Thank you for your hard work and commitment that has made the best sales record this year. You've got the approach to do things a little differently, which has helped set our brand name apart from the competition.

You went well above and beyond our expectations. We couldn't have achieved this without you.

<Senior's name>

6. Don't forget to thank them for covering a colleague's leave

When a colleague is on a week-long vacation or a long-term parental leave, someone has to come up to take up the workload. Under such conditions, expressing your acknowledgment can build stronger relationships.

Dear < Employee Name >

I appreciate all your extra efforts in the daily tasks while < colleague's name> is out on leave. You deserve this token of appreciation for offering to work for more hours.
When we all have our plates full, managing work in someone's absence is complicated. It's employees like you who prefer to help out with some extra working hours, which makes it work.
We are proud to have enthusiastic staff like you working with us. Please keep up the excellent work!!

<Senior's name>

7. Recognize their years-long of continued services

Long-term employees contribute to your organization's positive culture and environment. They are an inseparable part of the brand positioning. It makes sense to recognize them and their years of continued service. It goes on to create a longer tenure doing more good work, and simultaneously motivates others to stay.

Dear < Employee Name >

I want to personally congratulate you on such a significant year of the anniversary of your engagement with (company name). We greatly appreciate your dedicated years of service and loyalty to our company.

You might not know this, but we are aware of all your efforts and hard work, and we cannot thank you enough. We value all your sacrifices in helping this company grow to where it is today. You really went above and beyond to help this company reach its full potential.

Thank you for all your contributions and all the little things you do each day to help in our respective works.

<Senior's name>

8. End the year with a mental booster

Take the opportunity to thank your employees for all their efforts throughout the year. Employees work really hard throughout the year and it's important to talk about to them about their achievements. A well-crafted email giving heartfelt thanks at the end of the year can act as a great look back and reflect all the credits that they gained over the last 12 months.

Dear < Employee Name >

As another year comes to an end, it's time to look back and reflect on the past 12 months. Thank you for all your hard work, commitment, and invaluable contributions to this company, integral to our progress and success.

This year, we have made impressive progress in our business goals, constantly and rapidly evolving against the backdrop of a very competitive trading environment. Despite all the challenges, our team upheld their focus and let not one opportunity go.

There is still plenty of achievable lined up for the next year, and I am sure that we will keep up with our excellence.

Thank you once again for your commitment and invaluable contributions toward helping this business reach its full potential.
Lastly, wish you all a very happy new year, filled with success, happiness, and good health.

Yours sincerely,
<Senior's name>

9. Appreciate a colleague's collaborative skills

Workplaces are changing. Especially the way we started working together. And if your employees lack this particular skill, you're doomed. So it is important to let your employees realize their collaborative efforts are appreciated.

Dear < Employee Name >,

I wanted to express my gratitude for a wonderful collaborative experience. During our time working on the (X) project, you demonstrated the actual value of excellent collaboration and teamwork.

We were able to complete our job ahead of time. All thanks for your assistance.
It was a pleasure to work with you! I am excited about our future collaboration on other projects.

<Your name>

10. Employee recognition for creativity and innovation

Many businesses nowadays fail due to their inability to adapt to technological advances. So, it's high time to instill and promote innovative attitudes in your staff by acknowledging them with a nice employee appreciation letter.

Dear < Employee Name >,

Many thanks for the continuous creative ideas that you share! Your innovative ideas are always enthusiastically anticipated by the entire team.

I cannot express enough how valuable you are to (business name). You are constantly improving our (X) by bringing new ideas to the table. Your ingenuity challenges us, and the (product name) improves daily.

Thank you very much, and keep up the fantastic work!

<Your name>

11. Employee birthday appreciation letter

Birthdays are significant events in the lives of your workers. Recognizing your employees on their special days can bridge personal and professional barriers.

Dear < Employee Name >,

We are pleased to have you as an employee. You work hard, are creative, and always deliver! We at (business name) truly hope you are aware that your continued efforts are appreciated.

We all wish you a very happy birthday! We wish you many personal and professional triumphs and a bright and joyful day at work.
We hope to see you in the cafeteria at noon, as we have planned a small celebration in your honor.

Best wishes,
<Your name>

12. Appreciate your employee for just being themselves

Why not thank your employees for simply being themselves? For this, you only need a few well-chosen words.

Dear < Employee Name >,

I'd like to take this time to express my gratitude for being you! Your good spirit in the office brightens everyone's day. Your good work attitude motivates your team, and we are fortunate to have you!

Furthermore, your radiant personality makes us look forward to coming to work every day!

Continue your excellent work!

<Your name>

13. Letter for easily meeting the quarterly goal

Your employees will equally appreciate a few words of thanks and an extra day off to celebrate their achievement in meeting monthly targets.

Dear < Employee Name >,

This quarter, your team's performance has been outstanding. It is a great credit to your management and teamwork abilities that you have exceeded sales targets by 110 percent with one week remaining!

Furthermore, chatting with members of your team reveals that they all feel respected, challenged, and appreciated, which is an accomplishment in and of itself.

We all appreciate your efforts in making this team a success. As a token of gratitude, please find an extra vacation day added to your balance by the end of this week. Continue your excellent work!

Best wishes,
<Your name>

14. Appreciation letter for strategic initiatives

Employee participation during the strategic planning process can be difficult but rewarding. Here's how you may express your appreciation for their involvement and commitment.

Hello < Employee Name >,

Thank you for meeting with me yesterday to discuss the new strategic objectives. I appreciate your observations, and I believe we will be able to adopt many of your suggestions.

It's helpful to have someone with similar experience to talk things over with. I appreciate your time, patience, and knowledge of the subject. You are a critical member of our planning team.

I'll send you an update as the initiative moves from the planning to the execution phase.

Best wishes,
<Your name>

15. Appreciation email for your new hires

Because your new hires look for some appreciation too!

Hi < Employee Name >,

You've only been with us for a few weeks, yet I can already see your influence daily. You've done exceptionally well in training, and the quick grasp of your tasks has already paid off. Your effort yesterday troubleshooting the latest version of our email marketing tool was amazing, allowing us to launch it earlier than expected.

But it's not just your job; your attitude and fit with the team are also outstanding. I've noticed that other new team members are constantly approaching you with inquiries, and their faith in you speaks volumes. I also appreciate your joining and participating in the celebration organizing committee. Living our ideals of teamwork and community will get you a long way.

If there is anything I can do to assist you as you begin your first year here, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for getting started right away.

<Your name>


It's not like only the best worker deserves employee recognition. Writing an employee appreciation letter is the little extra effort which shows you're happy to repay all the consistent efforts, which have directly or indirectly contributed to the success of a project or company goals.

However, make sure to write "Thank you" or "Thank you for your hard work. " or something similar in the email's subject line. This will help the recipient know what it is about before opening it.

If you're having trouble creating a great letter from scratch, the above letter templates can help.

Susmita Sarma

This article is written by Susmita Sarma, a digital marketer at Vantage Circle. She was involved with media relations before shifting her interest in research and creative writing. Apart from being a classical music buff, she keeps a keen interest in anchoring and cooking. For any related queries, contact


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